Elijah Alvares- Striving towards inclusion and connection, The Netherlands

Elijah Alvares is a politically engaged individual looking to create a more inclusive world through campaigns against discrimination. He operates under the motto ´you can´t live under the illusion that we aren´t all deeply connected´. Two years ago he started a campaign for the creation of gender-neutral toilets within one of the Amsterdam universities. This goal was accomplished within a few months and resulted in gender-neutral toilets in all buildings of this university. As a result of this Alvares has been awarded the ECHO award for students who are actively working towards a diverse and inclusive society.

Currently he´s working on another project in collaboration with discriminatie.nl to create an hotline for cases of discrimination within the labour market. This hotline will help combat discrimination of certain under-represented groups in their search for work and at their current places of work. The goal of this hotline is to get a better understanding of discrimination in the job market and to be able to address it better.

Additionally, Elijah Alvares also works for the National Network Diversity & Inclusion of the PvdA, a Dutch political party, and sits on the board of the youth section of the FNV trade union.


Elijah Alvares- Striving towards inclusion and connection, The Netherlands