Hero’s Path – Job opportunities to vulnerable youngsters, Spain

It is an inclusive initiative aimed at improving the employability and social inclusion of 60 young people in a situation of vulnerability in the Community of Madrid from 2022. The goal is to promote a meeting with young people in a situation of social disadvantage, to improve their personal development and socio-labor integration through training for work, access to employment and awareness of society.

Plaza de los Oficios Foundation and this project were born in response to the difficulties of social and labor integration of young people in vulnerable situations. Since its creation, it has provided training to more than 500 students with economic difficulties and with difficult access to both the traditional educational system and the labor market. As well, within the “Camino del Héroe” personal and work development program, there was the opportunity to meet and listen to the Director of the New Personal company, Iván Carrasco. Iván began a very motivating speech, talking about job opportunities and the importance of being constant and responsible in the job search. He told us about the labor market in the hospitality sector and the possibilities of hiring in his company. The New Personal company offered young people the possibility of working as waiters or kitchen assistants for the different events organized by the company.

The program uses innovative tools such as coaching, neuro-linguistic programming and job interview preparation led by industry professionals to help young people improve their communication skills.

Finally, to reinforce training, they have 4 Conferences on: Environmental education, Gender equality and work motivation, as well as a Mentoring program through corporate volunteering that will offer activities to young people with the aim of guiding and motivating them in their career.


Hero’s Path – Job opportunities to vulnerable youngsters, Spain