SIB- Students for a cause, The Netherlands

SIB is a student association in Leiden for socially and politically engaged students of the university. The association itself is organized by and for students and they organize activities such as lectures, charity events, social events and talks between diplomats and students. The association itself exists already since 1947 but in 2019 they started organizing a yearly charity event to raise money for a charity that has a positive impact on the wellbeing of the international community. The goal of this event was to raise money for a program or initiative that contributed positively to society and to support them in their goal by taking action and engaging students.

The student association has had multiple iterations of the charity event, each supporting a different cause. The charity event in 2020 raised money for an organization supporting refugees in Leiden and in 2019 money was raised for the University Asylum Fund. 2022’s event was in the form of a bake sale and was organized in support of Xenia Hospice foundation, the first hospice for young people in the Netherlands. In addition to this, a substantive activity was also organized in which everyone was invited to contribute ideas about (social) problems in healthcare.

SIB- Students for a cause, The Netherlands