Youth Council, Romania

The number of young people in Romania has dramatically decreased over the last 10 years by almost one million, from 5.9 million in 2010 to 4.9 million today. Besides the falling birth rates, the main cause of this decrease is the massive exodus of young people to Western European countries. Young people are emigrating due to the lack of opportunities and low confidence in the state’s ability to create conditions for a flourishing life in their country.  

Aware of their responsibility, 20 youth organisations have taken the initiative to develop a comprehensive policy document for improving the quality of life of young people in Romania. Covering the whole framework necessary for its immediate implementation, from vision and context to action directions and measures, the “Youth Resolution” is the public policy proposal of and for young people that the authorities have failed to deliver for young people in recent decades.  

By bringing together the efforts of youth organisations and young people over the past years, the Resolution thus represents both the starting point and the most solid basis for the future National Youth Strategy, expecting a clear and unequivocal agreement on the participatory, serious, honest and transversal construction of all actions concerning young people.
Finally, the document is also an invitation to young people to get actively involved in the achievement of the objectives set, to be receptive to the associated approaches and to get in touch with the organisations in the network of signatories. 

In building the future, the signatory youth organisations undertake to protect the equal human dignity of all, fundamental human rights and freedoms, democracy and the rule of law. They emphasize pluralism as a necessary condition for progress. Aware that equality in rights must be effective, not just theoretical, they support the elimination of any explicit discrimination and the implementation of positive measures necessary to correct discrepancies between the level of realisation of fundamental rights enjoyed by different groups of people based on disability, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, income level and level of education of parents, linked to locality or neighbourhood/area of residence and others. They also emphasize that it is time for society to recognise a new generation of fundamental rights related to access to a healthy environment and the digital experience as an increasingly important component of private, social and professional life, as well as to expand the participation of young people in decision-making and political processes.